EAST LA JIU JITSU is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

Every donation that is made to East LA Jiu-Jitsu goes towards subsidizing fees for students to receive quality jiu-jitsu instruction, regardless of economic circumstances or ability to pay. Your donations also subsidize the discounts for kids/youth gis as well as our used gi program for students who unable to afford one for training.

Your donations are tax-deductible and directly impact the lives of our students!

You can give in any number of ways, including:

  • By check:
    Make your check payable to "East LA Jiu Jitsu" and mail it to:
    3660 E. 1st St., Los Angeles, CA 90063

  • Apple Pay or PayPal Donation:
    Click the "Make Contribution" button to donate using Apple Pay or PayPal.

  • ACH:
    Click the “Click Here to Donate” button using ACH transactions.

  • Gifts in Kind:
    Please contact us directly if you are interested in donating gifts-in-kind or used gis.

Tax Information: East LA Jiu Jitsu Company is registered as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Contributions to East LA Jiu Jitsu are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law. East LA Jiu Jitsu’s tax identification number is 87-4084379

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