#CLOSED# - 2023 || JUNE 17th - JUVENILE | KIDS - ELAJJ Friendship Tournament - #PAST TOURNAMENT#

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Kids Friendship Tournament at East LA Jiu Jitsu on June 17th 2023. Please add each participant individually to cart for registration. Each participant needs to fill out the form you are required to fill out before payment. To finish the registration, you must find the CART and complete your checkout with payment.

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Tournament Date: Saturday - June 17, 2023

Location: East LA Jiu Jitsu 3660 1st St, Los Angeles, CA 90063

Times: 10AM

Contact: events.eclub@gmail.com

(SAME DAY WEIGH-IN) Weigh-in guidelines for competitors is as follows:

  1. All Athletes must clear weight prior to their first match.

  2. Weigh-ins are with uniform on the day of the event.

  3. Athletes are allowed to weigh in without knee or elbow braces, but they will have to be wearing them at the time of the uniform inspection.

  4. The athlete cannot step on the scale with shoes or any item besides his/her regular uniform and equipment permitted for use during matches.

  5. Each athlete shall only mount the official scale of the event to have his/her weight taken once unless authorized.

  6. Each bracket is created within 10lbs max. This is a friendship tournament and we will do our best to keep all weights within the 10lbs maximum difference.

* Male and Female competitors may be mixed only for athletes with no brackets
** White belts will only fight with other white belts
*** Orange and Green belt athlete's may compete in the same weight/age brackets if necessary.
**** The age division will be determined by the birth year